Hi, I’m Carlita. I’m 12 years old and live in a village called Nina Rumi. I have four siblings, and we live with our grandmother.
There used to be nothing in this village, but when the Nina Rumi campus was built, I saw that people who cared had come to my village.
My family used to drink a lot, especially over the weekends, and sometimes during the week. I grew up with parents who were alcoholics. I felt that my parents did not show love to us, but instead loved only alcohol.
We were already poor but became even more so since my parents spent all their money on alcohol. So, my grandmother took me and my brothers to live with her. It was sad that she had to take us away, but alcohol had destroyed my family. My family isn’t the only one, either. Alcohol is a serious problem for many in my village.
The Catch the Vision International Nina Rumi campus is a beautiful place. The people there care about families in the village. They provide safe water. I used to have to walk long distances to get unclean water from the river, but now water is delivered right to my house!
CTVI also organizes programs for kids in the village. We call it Friday with Jesus. We learn stories about Jesus, play games, and have a good time. The program is helping me understand what Jesus’s love looks like. It is helping me forgive my parents for the hurt they caused me and my family.
I pray that alcohol would stop destroying families in my village, and that instead more people might know about the love and forgiveness of Jesus.
Coming to the Catch the Vision kids’ program changed my spiritual life. God is doing work in myself through this program. Since beginning to attend, my life seems better and I have many blessings.
During the program, we learn a choreography, play games, and listen to the Word of God. We also color and do activities to learn about the teaching of the day and to memorize verses from the Bible. We celebrate birthdays and the teachers teach us to do good things; to tell the truth and be honest.
The program brings me joy, faith, and love. Plus, we receive many blessings, like Christmas gifts!
Catch The Vision International
PO Box 2586, Orangeburg, SC 29116
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