It's so easy to take our daily blessings for granted. Something as simple as a wheelchair ramp can make a family's life so much easier. Maliek has MS and his mother had to assist him up and down the stairs of their home. CTVI Carpenters for Christ crew built a wheelchair ramp for this local resident in need.
Completed 05/08/20
Completed 02/21/20
Completed 07/09/19
Completed 06/10/19
Completed 06/07/19
Completed 05/17/19
Completed 03/02/19
Completed 02/22/19
Completed 01/21/19
Completed 01/18/19
Have you ever stopped to think about how God wants us to reflect Him through our lives?
This very question causes us to think about who God is in our lives. I had to wait on God to show me who He was, and is, in my life before I could come to an understanding of how I would reflect Him to others. I have come to learn that it is truly a privilege, as well as a command (Matthew 28:19-20), that we go into the entire world, professing Jesus Christ as Lord. Join us and help build wheelchair ramps.
Through our Carpenter's for Christ program, we build ramps for the disabled and minister to those that request spiritual help. By donating $500 you can become a 1/3 Share Partner.
Download form below and mail to
1425 Russell Street, Orangeburg, SC 29115
or donate over the phone.
Catch the Vision believes that we have a duty to help our fellow man, including those in our own community, to spread God’s word, and to help those in need. Become a 1/2 Partner by donating $750.
Download form below and mail to
1425 Russell Street, Orangeburg, SC 29115
or donate over the phone.
Be a Full Share Partner and help support our Local Ministry by donating $1,500 for the cost of wheelchair ramp. Our Local Ministry serves people and families in need around the greater Orangeburg community.
Download form below and mail to
1425 Russell Street, Orangeburg, SC 29115
or donate over the phone.
If you prefer to donate by mail, please download Donation Form below and mail to:
1425 Russell Street, Orangeburg, SC 29115
CTVI-Wheelchair Ramp-DonationForm (pdf)
DownloadCatch The Vision International
PO Box 2586, Orangeburg, SC 29116
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